Google Chrome now supports HDR videos in Windows 10

The Google Chrome has started to give support to videos produced with HDR (High Dynamic Range) in Windows 10, according to a publication of the company ‘s blog. The technology allows the images to have more vibrant and clear colors since HDR allows the combination of different exposures. So the feature is very common in cell phone cameras: you may notice that when you use your camera’s HDR, the image has lighter lighting points, brighter and darker shadows, and better contrast between darker and darker points. clearer.

The HDR system is already available on several platforms, such as Netflix, YouTube, and even Google Play Movies. In the famous Netflix series platform, it was possible to watch HDR videos from last year also in Windows 10, but only in the Microsoft Edge browser. Although the media options available with HDR are quite limited, it is natural that the feature is viewed as an evolution in imaging technology. Widely used in photography, it will be much more common and welcome in videos as well.

The blog ad begins by pointing out that people watch 30,000 videos daily in Chrome. That would be a consequence of the viral YouTube and new experiences recorded on video worldwide. And it is eyeing this growing demand that Google Chrome has now offered the possibility of watching the HDR videos in the browser in Windows 10. The publication also says that soon the feature will be available to other operating systems and platforms.

Get ready to listen and read more and more on platforms with HDR support and videos being made with this technology for high-quality playback. Last year, rumors have surfaced that Google Chrome was developing HDR support for Android. Maybe that’s why it’s not too surprising the company’s announcement about Chrome in Windows 10.

The Google Chrome team seems to be pretty excited and full of energy for this year. The blog post also promises that the official launch of VR (virtual reality) for the browser will be soon. “2017 was great for us, we have even more exciting improvements for 2018 and we can not wait for you to try it!”, Completes the post.

We know that many people who use Chrome in Windows 10 will be anxious and start looking for HDR videos to test if the feature is already working. Before that, make sure you have the latest version of your PC’s operating system installed. It’s also worth remembering that in order to have access to excellent color and contrast videos in Google Chrome, your monitor must also support HDR technology.

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